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Writing about the morning in the Afternoon.

 January 17, 2022

Day late, but not too late to count as missing an entry. Yet again another un-notable week, which could be a good thing. I also have not found the explanation to life, why we live the way we do and the answers to the future. So, like I said nothing to big here. 

So with that said. I will now write something as promised in the last entry.

The light leaked in past the blinds and slowly began to lightly touch my eyelids. At first it was a felling that my sleep was easily overcoming. As the light began to turn from a violet hue to the shades of pink and orange, light touch began to fall just a little heavier.

Eventually my mind and my eyelids fell to the strength of the sunlight and rolled upwards. As my vision came to, I looked at my wooden blinds to see the sunlight seeping into the once dark room, allowing colors from outside mix with the colors inside the room. I closed my eyelids again and re-opened them while doing so I stretched outwards. As I move my arms straight and above, I could hear the fibers stretch and joints pop from the dormant movement that they endured over the past few hours of sleep. I then stretched out my legs in similar fashion and heard the same sounds as my arms did. 

After the stretches had been completed I twisted my body, moving my legs to the side of the bed. As they came to the side of the bed, I could feel the heavy blanket and sheets stay in place above. As my foot broke the plain of the two comfortable heat sources, the cold shot across, almost instantly waking me. I push my upper body upward and while doing so, conduct the last wake up stretch which was the back. 

My feel laid down on the cool carpet. I could feel the individual cloth loops of the carpet being pressed underneath my foot and toes. I pressed down on the carpet and pushed off the bed and rising upwards. Not as graceful as a vampire waking up and not using anything but their levitation abilities. 

Once I was upright, I placed my worn, overage slippers on my now cold feet. Once the ragged old slippers were on, I shuffled slowly from the carpet the tile floor and walked towards the kitchen. 

The kitchen was just getting painted with light, which illuminated the wood cabinets. Once I reached the kitchen, I made my way to the counter which held my black and silver coffee maker. I pulled out the clear glass coffee pot, put it next to the sink and began to fill it up with water. I then opened the coffee machine to reveal the gold screened coffee filter and removed it from the container. 

Right next to the coffee machine is a grinder for whole beans. I fell that since I am going to drink coffee everyday for the foreseeable future, I determined that I would buy a set up that provides the best tasting coffee that I can. With that said, anyone who drinks coffee knows the best coffee is always started with a freshly ground coffee bean. It does not just provide the best coffee, but also fills the area with the smell of coffee. The only way I could describe it is, well coffee. 

Once the coffee beans were ground to the desirable consistency, I took out the plastic container holding the now perfect ground coffee that hot water would drip through and in the end result create the elixir of the gods. I removed the coffee grounds and put them into the gold filter and put that back into the coffee machine. I filled the machine's water reservoir with the water from the coffee pot. I then closed up the machine and put the pot on the heading pad and powered the machine on. As the heated water hit the coffee, a relief that coffee was almost ready hit my brain giving some comfort. 

When I was living by myself this morning ritual was almost the same, but the morning routine accompanied some music. Usually that music would be classical or jazz, but that right there was the perfect way to wake me up. I do say, as I type this, listening to Mozart, I miss that routine and the way I felt that my day was going to start my way. I know for the fact I am one of the few that like to do that. Now when I wake up, its the noise of the news coming on, not much relaxation there. Maybe I need to find a way, such as using my headphones would be a good way to bring that back.

Interesting how this little story telling helped me realize something that really help me bring my mind ready for the day. Maybe next week I will talk about how this little experiment went.   

"Cut your morning devotions into your personal grooming. You would not go out to work with a dirty face. Why start the day with the face of your soul unwashed?"

~Robert A. Cook


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