So here I am sitting in my living room on December 31st, 2013. Before I started typing this I read my post last year regarding 2012. That year, 2012, was bad yet it pushed me to my next level. 2013 was the actual display of that change. In January I started one of the toughest challenges that I had gone through. The Sheriff's Academy was a huge challenge. There were some major time were I though it was not for me and my dream was just an image. Every time I was feeling like I was going to quite I looked back at 2012. I saw my Dad, also heard him say no, and my grandfather in the back of my head. I knew there was no chance I could quite. Hell it was written on my damn arm. Eventually I made it through and was given my badge. I now had the next challenge, show he department that I had hat it takes to be a sheriff's deputy. Well as most know, that was shown and here I am now, all on my own. SO DREAM COMPLETED! And a lot to keep doing to keep that dream going! Besides the new...