So everyone on any day hopes, or predicts the day is going to be a certain way. A hope that our life will go a certain and laid down path. The only problem this prediction goes haywire most if not all the time. The most of the time is directed towards me. An example of this yesterday were I began to think that "today is going to be a great day", in fact I placed it on facebook because of the degree I knew it was going to happen. Will through half of my shift of work that prediction was so beyond wrong that I even said to myself I can't predict things at all. So now on to the point about self predictions and how often we do it and hope for it to happen. I know one of the biggest prediction times is the four years of high school were most people hope for the most fruitful future, or the most predictable quote "Ohh we are going to be together for so long." This longing that the future is going to be the amazing picture of a person and his or hers chosen path of the future. Hell there is even self help books of how a person can learn how to do this or how to get on the right path. The only thing is prediction to the future ultimately means that your dream of what the future may look like may ultimately fall apart and crash driving the person who made that picture think "ahh what happened." The point is that some times a prediction can be a detrimental problem one that can kill a persons ambitions. The only problem is those predictions, those dream, goals, ect, are some what predictions of what we are going to do. A nice little circle that was built in when predictions and goals were generated in a persons mind. The future plays a huge role in what we are today, and what we could become. It plays just as much of a role as the past and the present does. Yet some people do not want to think of the future, yet they still do. The people who only think of the future, and yet are afraid of failing. The people who think about the future, but are not sure when or where they feel the best time to start. The point is the future and our predictions about it make us who we are, who we might be, and what changes our wanting to be. Predictions happen to all of us and we hope for them to happen because need to have a feeling that the future may come soon.
In yesterdays post I talked about the amount of stress that I am placing myself in and stretching myself so thin that I am actual feeling a real effect of it. I began to look at everything that I am doing and the hell that I am placing myself into which a very bad situation, one that could place my whole future in a hell. I am seeing that because I am trying to do so many things that I am actually being very shellfish and not doing the right thing. I have so much that is riding on me and yes I need to have fun, but I also need to remember there are other things that should be holding precedence over. Its time to get thing straight and see there is a definitive path in which I must follow to make sure my future at hand, the way it may happen won't be changed because of poor choices on my part. Its time to close one window, and begin to look out another to see a new view, picture, hope for the future.
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