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Mental Health

Mental health has become an ongoing, huge issue. It has only taken several years and major incidents, yet still isn't taken the way it needs to. The good thing is, I believe that people are finally understanding that understanding mental health importance is something we as group of individuals needs to push this to a major need.

I have always enjoyed why certain things work. One of my favorite things is how the brain works. I have read several books on serial killers and how they all have a mental disability or learned disability because if being raised in a certain way. People always say "how could they do this." The fact is some of it is controllable and other parts is we as a society should have interfered and tried to give help if not to help the individual but to help the future victims.

Now to the more common mental health issue that gets the majority of the screen play is spree shooters. An example of these individuals are Laughner Jared Lee Loughner to Adam Lanza. (Yes there are many, many others) These two individuals one he is from the same High School that I went to, to Lanza who's spree targeted several youngsters. From what I have heard and read both of these individuals had some major health issues that could be linked to mental health issues. Could of these individuals received help to prevent these incidents? The fact is maybe, maybe not. How the health system works as of right now, there is not much on how to diagnose nor treat the ailments. How do I know this. I deal with it on almost a daily bases through work.

My job is maintain peace and protect those who are in danger. In fact this means I go into situations where there are individuals who have mental health issues which included bi-polar, suicide, schizophrenia and many others. As I have told some people, these individuals are in my opinion some of the most dangerous people I interact with. The whole reason is simply they can be calm and collective to a whole other person that may come after me. One has to be ready for anything and lucky us LEOs (Law Enforcement Officer) are trained for.

Now here is the thing that bothers me. I have taken several classes and read several books on individuals with mental health issues and how to deal with them. The stuff I have learned is still not even close to what I should be learning. I usually make joke that we Leos are the cheapest psychologist around and the fact is that is true. We come in find out what has gone wrong try to find some what of a root of why it happened and then we go in to the law enforcement action, was a crime committed. Most of the time for mental health issues, yes. The other part of this if the situation happened at home then a shall arrest comes out for domestic violence. Does this fix the issue, not not really. Does this possible push for further health help later on, possible.

Here in Pima County, the government is trying to find away to give treatment to those who need it but I think there are a lot people that go right trough the grid and do not get that help. The simple fact there was no proper identification of a person that has a mental health issue. Like I stated earlier I believe I could use a lot more training on identifying the ailment so I can get the proper classification and forward the report to the proper person. I also think that families need the proper training to of how to deal with certain situations and how to get treatment for those people.

Anyways that all I have for now.  


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