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Showing posts from September, 2014

What happens when you...

Well I had to have an extremely misleading title, but in all essence what does happen when you work in the middle of no year for twelve hours? You, A) work a lot and B) well you tend to think a lot because there is nothing to do. In fact I would probably have had this written this blog if I had some type on internet connection. but yet again I was in the middle of no where guarding a pipe line. Anyways on to the actual wordage, is that an actual word? I regress. So last night I kinda figured out where I am in life, a self proclaimed workaholic that is very lazy outside of work, is probably where I need to be minus the lazy part. Seriously I really need to remove the lazy part like its cancer. In fact as I write this I am sitting in my ice chest of a room watching "Californication." So let us see where I am not to lazy beside the periods of work. Ohhh, I am writing, something that I should do more often. I am creatively thinking of how I can make my house look better. Yes I ...

Mental Health

Mental health has become an ongoing, huge issue. It has only taken several years and major incidents, yet still isn't taken the way it needs to. The good thing is, I believe that people are finally understanding that understanding mental health importance is something we as group of individuals needs to push this to a major need. I have always enjoyed why certain things work. One of my favorite things is how the brain works. I have read several books on serial killers and how they all have a mental disability or learned disability because if being raised in a certain way. People always say "how could they do this." The fact is some of it is controllable and other parts is we as a society should have interfered and tried to give help if not to help the individual but to help the future victims. Now to the more common mental health issue that gets the majority of the screen play is spree shooters. An example of these individuals are Laughner Jared Lee Loughner to Adam L...