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Showing posts from December, 2013

2013 brought a new light and 2014 brings a new day

So here I am sitting in my living room on December 31st, 2013. Before I started typing this I read my post last year regarding 2012. That year, 2012, was bad yet it pushed me to my next level. 2013 was the actual display of that change. In January I started one of the toughest challenges that I had gone through. The Sheriff's Academy was a huge challenge. There were some major time were I though it was not for me and my dream was just an image. Every time I was feeling like I was going to quite I looked back at 2012. I saw my Dad, also heard him say no, and my grandfather in the back of my head. I knew there was no chance I could quite. Hell it was written on my damn arm. Eventually I made it through and was given my badge. I now had the next challenge, show he department that I had hat it takes to be a sheriff's deputy. Well as most know, that was shown and here I am now, all on my own. SO DREAM COMPLETED! And a lot to keep doing to keep that dream going! Besides the new...

All in awe

I usually don't write about items like this, but for some reason I feel compelled this time. So I was sitting at Starbucks reading a book and conducting a little people watching. Nothing new for me and actually something that I do fairly often. Seems like nothing new or anything odd and I was right. The only thing was someone walked into the door. This someone was a girl. Yes I know a girl...big woopy right. The difference was this girl caught my attention like crazy and the fact is she did nothing nothing at all. She came in through the door wearing a grey pea coat. She was about 5 feet 5 inches and light colored skin tone. Her hair was this jet black color and came down to her neck. She tucked her hair behind her ears. Her eyes were this light blue colored. For some reason the eyes were the most amazing eyes I have ever seen. I have no idea why but the just captured me. I felt like my mind went and gave up. I tried to read my book, but my mind wanted to do something else. I...

Rough time

So the last couple weeks should have not been so rough, but it sure has been. First thing that happened was some unexpected problems with the house. This issue has made it extremely hard and then other stuff occurred that made it even worse. I found out that I had to do some test for my mid probation, but had no idea that it was the next day. I passed two of the test but did not pass the third. This has put a lot of stress on me on top of what I have already gained. At first I thought it was done, I was going to get fired. I still get to retake the test, even though I should have passed immediately. So I have been practicing so I pass the test. Anyways all this stress and no one to really talk to has shot down some confidence and weakened my stance. This is something that I really can't have. The career I have dose not allow, my personality does not allow it and frankly the past couple weeks has told me I really need to change something. So I have been reflecting the last couple ...