I have really never seen myself as a "artistic"person. I may have tried on multiple attempts of drawing and playing music and I have failed at those attempts. In must part I think those are the two skills people look at to say someone is artistic.
Yes, I am stating I know what people actually designate as artist, but that is only because I think that is what people see as art. Since I was never good at those items, I still had some energy to be creative. So I attempted to do other art forms. When I say other art forms I mean actual items that are considered art forms such as photography and writing. These are truly considered art forms, just to make sure that is know, but yet again I think other people out there do not consider them as that.
Anyways on to the point. I enjoy doing this items a lot. In fact when I get to spend a fairly good amount of time on them I feel pretty damn good through out the day and that tends to care over the week. The only problem with both of these hobbies is they take a good amount of time. Unlike drawing where you can stop and restart, writing you kinda need that right juices and feeling to start were you last left off (bias statement there, why yes). In other words it seems like I have free time sit down in my writing room, living room, open the laptop and well do nothing. I just can't start thinking what the next sentience is supposed to form. This unfortunately happens to me a lot.
On the other had there is certain days where I am booming with ideas, but the issues is I am not in my writing room and my laptop is in that room. This usually happens at work where it would look bad for me to write a story and not pay attention to what is going on. Plus my office, a car, is not conducive to writing.
On the rare conditions where everything matches up and I can actually do some productive writing. During those times the story, in which I have been working on for the past ohh 4 years, grows about 2 pages. At that rate ill have the book done when I retire. So I guess I am on pace for success.
The other art form is photography. This is probably one of my favorite hobbies and something that I truly enjoy doing everyday if I could. I tend to photograph nature. For some reason I look at nature and just feel like there is an image that I must capture. I usually go on hike in order to find these images or find something to inspire me. The unfortunate thing is I have not been able to go hiking for no fault other then my own. I really need to hit the less traveled path and find new images.
The fact is I have been looking at my photos more and more and really want to get into the art a lot more. I want to save up the money to get better lenses in order to get different views and pictures. That is where another problem comes in. Those parts are very, very expensive but would help so many images that I cannot get at this time.
Anyways the, whole point of this random tangent writing is that these two art forms are hobbies that I really do enjoy and I have not been pushing myself to enjoy them in the way I should. I really need to push myself to get into those hobbies and enjoy them like I once did. I know I can make time to do so, the fact is I just need to do it. Today I did just that I worked on my first photography book and I must say it felt great. Just to look at those photos again inspired me, made me think of other photos to get. I hope to finish this photo book within the next two weeks just need to get the photos in the right place.
The fact is I have been looking at my photos more and more and really want to get into the art a lot more. I want to save up the money to get better lenses in order to get different views and pictures. That is where another problem comes in. Those parts are very, very expensive but would help so many images that I cannot get at this time.
Anyways the, whole point of this random tangent writing is that these two art forms are hobbies that I really do enjoy and I have not been pushing myself to enjoy them in the way I should. I really need to push myself to get into those hobbies and enjoy them like I once did. I know I can make time to do so, the fact is I just need to do it. Today I did just that I worked on my first photography book and I must say it felt great. Just to look at those photos again inspired me, made me think of other photos to get. I hope to finish this photo book within the next two weeks just need to get the photos in the right place.
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