Another year has left and a new year is not here. For the most part the year 2012 was one of the hardest years of my life, and it pretty much started on the get go. The first several months after that day was trying to get in a norm, and I fairly certain that's how my family felt too, but it was not the easiest. I jumped into a relationship knowing what I was doing at the time was not the best and figured I try to make myself happy. That ended up being the wrong choice and I was a little bit more miserable of how that turned out. After that I stopped thinking about relationships and began to progress through "I don't care anymore" phase. I started saving up money and limit already limited party life because I wanted to move out and grow up a little more. I didn't have a plan or idea when that would happen, but knew that is what I wanted. In August my family would go through yet another hard time, but this time I would lose someone instead of a close almost. Wh...