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Showing posts from April, 2011

Is it time to go or stay?

What is time? How do we measure it? How do we know when a set of time is completed and another begins? These are the questions that came to my mind today. According to Albert Einstein, time is not at all a constant, but rather conforms to several factors. The thing is, to most of us (in my opinion) time is constant. We see time going by second after second, fulfilling sixty of those seconds to complete a minute and so on. Yet people see time going slower, such as when a person is in detention and one hour appears to have taken the time that three or fours hours should have taken. Yes, none of this correlates to the theory of relativity, but it does correlate to the way people view time and how the mind views time. The reason why this all came about is that time is something that I, and many others may, follow. For example: It has been almost six years such a graduated college, almost four years being at my current place of work, two years since my last real relationship, 123 days since...


Exploration, I don't think many people truly understand this word and how much exploration plays a role in every life. Exploration can mean finding a new place to live, or exploration of oneself. To me exploration of finding oneself and exploring new lands, new places, new people are all one thing. Each item change one another, they are all dynamically combined with each other. I have been watching so many movies about traveling and exploration, and every time I see it a long for that life, but know it won't happen for a while. For the time being though I can have other travels, travel more local but with just as much exploration as a trip a very distant land. The point is, if I am willing to move, to see new places and expose my self to these places then I am exploring myself. Something that I believe I have been evading in a stupid measure to become something I am not. The funny thing is this lesson has been placed right in front of me every time I watch these travel movies. ...