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Showing posts from June, 2013

Coffee thoughts

Ahhh, I do enjoy the day where I get to go to my local Starbucks and get my tasty coffee beverage. Once I have acquired said beverage I read a book and listen to my music as a watch people going in and out of the coffee franchise. Usually want transpires during these relaxing time period is thoughts. Thoughts of the book I am reading thoughts of recent events, thoughts of future events and random thoughts. So a lot of thoughts as one can tell. One thought was about what is going to happen tomorrow. I make another huge step in doing what I want to do. Help people, go out and get bad guys and up most protect. It is one thing I have seen myself do on so many occasions and one thing that I think I will always see myself do. While I was thinking that I was currently listening to the Last Samurai sound track and thinking about how I am the modern day version of them. As a kid, and now, I saw a Samurai as one of the greatest things. They pushed themselves everyday and worked extremely har...

Lessons learned from the outside

So here recently I have been living in a very quite big house and going about my daily thing IE work. During my time at home it has been a little rough because it is so lonely here. During those moments I have been provoking thoughts of relationships. Thoughts of, what does a relationship do for people, why mine failed, and why others succeed. The other thing I have noticed is that I am still extremely scared of being hurt. The fear of letting anyone close more then just a night scares me so much. The fact that letting someone in and by accident I hurt them scares me so much. The other part is that something happens to me and I am no longer there to complete the relationship leaving the other hurt and placed in the unknown dark. The last 20 plus weeks have been challenges to push me forward and fight through many types of fears. To show me I have the drive and will to fight as hard as I humanly can in order to survive. Yet falling in love or even trying to because I don't want ...