What is this? This being life and how does it work the way it does. I am sure many people have asked this question over and over again. In fact I am sure that is an understatement since there are so many movies that display this question in a time of 1 hour and 40 minutes to 2 hours. So if you add all those movies together thats a lot of time spent on asking this question and surprisingly answer it. The only problem is that this answer is to make a movie work, or answer for that one person. Yet these hours and hours of movies trying to answer this question have created a way to look into an answer for ones question. How is this possible? Isn't everyones life different? Ins't the way people act different? Ins't how people go through life different? Isn't the challenges that people go through different? Yet I revisit the original question, how can others stories of life help another go through theirs? I now come to this, people are similar yes people have different challe...